Amber Sydney, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, talks to us about how her Fisbo system helps her communicate in confidence with her clients.
Research shows that finding a therapist can cause a lot of anxiety, which is why being available to take new client calls is so important to me.
The quality of the conversation is so important, that's why I prefer a phone call over a Zoom meeting or Skype video. A delay or echo or lag can completely ruin a session if we end up talking over each other.
Because much of the day is spent in counseling sessions, I'm often not available to talk to new clients, which was a problem - being successful in this field means that your clients leave your care after a time, and you need to find new clients.
Before Fisbo, I hoped that clients would leave voice messages for me, but very few did. When I tried to ring them back, the call was awkward. What happens now, is that if I'm busy or don't pick up the phone, the call is automatically redirected to a live human answering service, a virtual reception desk almost, and they can book in a new client intake appointment over the phone.
It makes a much better first impression, and I'm also much better at filling my diary now, meaning I can help more people, which is really important to me.
A nice side benefit of the Fisbo system is the ability to make international calls. These are very expensive, and my cellphone doesn't have an international plan, but I can use the Fisbo app to call my friends in lots of countries at very low rates.
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